December Horoscopes

Ho ho ho, happy Chanukah! It’s December which means a time for celebration, good food, worshiping the night beginning at 4pm, and horoscopes. As an extra special holiday present, each zodiac sign has been assigned a classic Christmas cookie with a recipe link included! If you make them, please send me pictures to be featured in a very special blog post!

Candies That Are Good and Candies That Are Bad

Skittles make you feel like the popular girls just asked you to sit at their lunch table and they totally actually mean it this time. Skittles are a trip to the mall to shoplift lip gloss. Skittles are Britney Spears burning down her home gym with a candle. Skittles are an elixir of youth itself.

Ten New York State Fair Activities You Can Do At Home!

The New York State Fair is officially cancelled for 2020. So here are ten socially-distant activities you can do to bring the spirit of the fair into your own home!

Privilege and “Expertise” in the Wide World of Food

We recognize the problem when someone is falsely representing our own cuisine, but not when it’s someone else’s. It means that the people responsible for creating dishes don’t get the credit. And it also means that the person who does get credit is likely to make mistakes with the recipe and share them with the world at large.

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